Genna and I Sneak Out!

If you know me then you probably know that I am a goody-two shoes.

Being a goody-two shoes is not necessarily something I'm proud of, but I like order, I like predicability, I like following rules, and I like my comfort zone.

I also LOVE doing things outside of my comfort zone. I'm a bit of an adrenaline junkie. I like roller coasters, I like rock climbing, I like high dives/high jumps, and feeling the wind ripping through my hair in a fast moving vehicle like a convertible or a lancha.

So here's where this comes into conflict: I like to play it safe. Even when it's out of my comfort zone it's still in an environment where I know I'll be safe and won't break any rules.

Obligatory "This is what this gap year is for..." It's not about breaking rules but it's about letting go of expectations, of what is "right," and of not letting anything get in the way of adventure.

So... we wanted to see "The Disaster Artist" on Saturday afternoon. Because we had to take down the Christmas tree and clean the house and do buckets of laundry we couldn't. Genna and I helped with all of this, but when we were done went back to our rooms and devised a plan:

-make body doubles
-write notes in case we were found out to let our parents know we were safe
-sneak out of the house quietly and in the dark
-go to the movies!

With only a few more days until Genna goes back to school and I leave for the next 3 months we wanted to do something fun together and be "teenagers" 'cause, like, this is something we see in teen movies and stuff.

Our body doubles were prime. We sadly have no pictures.

For Genna's, she was wearing a specific sweatshirt that day so she stuffed a pillow into that sweatshirt and used a bike helmet to form a head. We faced it away from the door and used some pillows under the covers to give "her body" some form.

For mine we took a guitar case (that kind of vaguely resembles the shape of a human body when covered by a million blankets) and a doll with my same hair color to make it look like I was underneath the covers.

We got to the movies and saw Jumanji: Welcome To The Jungle which surprised us both.

Turns out our mom went in to say goodnight to us and found the notes and body doubles. She was okay with it seeing as we had written down our exact plan and details of where we were going.

So I don't think we'll be sneaking out again any time soon, but I am glad that I got to do something crazy before I go do another something crazy for 3 months.

As I will leaving to go sailing across the Atlantic Ocean in a few days I expect my ability to write blog posts will be limited. So keep an eye out for blogs and vlogs and wish me luck!


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