Life On A Hilltop
"Hey Kelly, this is Chris. By the way, Grace is dying." Here are some things you should know: 1. I have been suseptible to massive nosebleeds since I was a child. 2. Ecuador is hot, dry, and at a high altitude. 3. Madison and I´s homestay is at the very top of a very long and very steep hill (but honestly it feels like a mountain during each hike). It´s about a 20 minute walk from the center of town/the school where I work. Before the nosebleed story, let me tell you about our homestay family and life on the hilltop. Madison and I live with mother Zoila, father Rafael (though he´s an engineer and works all day so we rarely see him), 16-year-old daughter Paula, 11-year-old daughter Luz Clarita, and 1-year-old grandson Nicholas. We honestly couldn´t have been placed with a better family. We call each other sisters, they teach us to dance, we help with homework, together we clean the kitchen, feed the guinea pigs, ducks, and giant pigs (believe me when I say giant. I´m ...