I'm Going On A Gap Year!

Hi, I'm Grace. I'm 17 soon to be 18 years old. I graduated from Castilleja High School a couple months ago and will be heading to Northwestern University. Before that however, I'm going on a gap year!

I'm taking a gap year for a number of different reasons. I've been living in a bubble for my whole life. Before returning to academia, I want to gain some real life experience. I want to explore new cultures and learn about the world. I've been taught about being an active global participant and I really want to do something to act on it. I also want to try new and different things and develop lifelong skills. This blog is a way for me to keep track of everything I've learned and to document what I've done.

Here's the plan: in the fall of 2017 I will be traveling with Thinking Beyond Borders to Latin America (www.thinkingbeyondborders.org). Throughout Ecuador, Peru, and Guatemala I will be taking part in homestays, working with local communities, taking Spanish classes, having seminars about global and local problems, and exploring the area.

In the spring of 2018 I will be with Sea|Mester aboard their 120 foot schooner, Argo, sailing from South Africa to the Caribbean (www.seamester.com). Here I will become a member of a 30-person crew, learn how sail, get my SCUBA diving liscence, take classes in marine biology and oceanography, and explore both life in the various ports and life in the sea below. This is unlike anything I've ever done before. My personal anxiety comes most often in the form of feeling powerless to control the future, my life, and my surroundings so I believe that this experience will help teach me to let go and obey Mother Nature but also how to react quickly in varying situations. I'm really excited and can't wait for my gap year to start!

Thanks for reading and I'll be sure to update you on my upcoming gap year adventures! Keep an eye out for my Gracefully Clumsy vlog series as well. As a matter of fact, here's the first video.


  1. Amazing Grace! So looking forward to following along as you embark on this incredible journey. Sounds like you're going to accomplish so much in just one year. I commend you for your confidence and fearlessness as you enter this once in a lifetime adventure! One thing I try and live by everyday and what I advise you to meditate on (probably what you've already experienced thus far) is that life begins at the end of your comfort zone. Enjoy my love!!! xxx Maddie (your cousin)


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